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Women typically wear bikinis, which have two triangles of fabric on the top covering the breasts and two triangles on the bottom covering the pubic area and buttocks. Sizes range from full coverage of the breasts, hips, and buttocks to smaller amounts that reveal the navel, areolae, mons pubis, intergluteal cleft, and/or buttocks. It was in 1946 that Parisian fashion designer Jacques Heim created the Atome (‘Atom’) and claimed it was the world’s smallest swimsuit. It was named after Bikini Atoll where nuclear tests had just been conducted days earlier after Louis Réard realized that this design covered only around the belly button. Although the more revealing design was criticized because of conservative views on women, it stayed popular. As a result, bikinis have grown into an 811 million dollar business thriving through services like waxing and tanning.